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Facebook for Android updated for faster photo viewing, voice messages

Facebook users with mobile devices running Google's Android can now enjoy faster viewing and voice messages with the social network's updated Android app.
The app, updated over the weekend, also allows users to share stories to Timelines, Pages and Groups, tech site The Next Web reported.
But it also noted it is not clear what devices can use the app as its Google Play profile indicates it "varies with device."
The Next Web said the updated app has an expanded Share button and is "no longer limited to just your own Timeline, but you can use it share stories on your friends’ Timelines, Pages you have Likes, and Groups you can post to."
The tech site also said a voice message capability allows Facebook users on Android to catch up with their counterparts using Facebook Messenger on iOS.
The Next Web also said the latest update appears to be in line with Facebook’s promise to update its mobile apps every four to eight weeks.  — ELR, GMA News
Tags: facebook, android