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What’s in store for you in the Year of the Sheep?

The Lunar New Year on February 19 ushers in a new animal sign: the Year of the Sheep (or the Goat, or the Ram).

Believers might want to check out feng shui expert Hanz Cua's thoughts on how the Wooden Sheep might affect them in terms of career, health, relationships, and wealth. Look for your birth year below:

Rat (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

Career - The Year of the Sheep is not a good year to change your job. Better to keep a low profile at work. This year, stress will be a main concern. Avoid any friction with your boss.
Health - You should be careful of driving and travels. Road accidents are likely to happen; injuries may occur as well. Those born in the year of the Rat should also watch out for stomach problems.  
Relationships - This may not be a year of love for the people of the year of the Rat. If you're in a relationship, be careful of any third party and make sure to resolve any arguments with your partners.
Wealth - Money comes easily and the opportunities are open for side jobs. When it comes to investing, be on the conservative side; be cautious to avoid risks.

Ox (1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

Career - This year will bring many challenges to the Ox's career, like miscommunication with your boss, for example. Despite all of these, stay calm when talking to your business constituents and clients. 2015 is also not a good year to change business or work.
Health - The Ox should not delay any medical treatment. So, start the year with an annual physical exam. You should also follow a proper diet and a strict workout.
Relationships - For single male Ox, romance will be elusive this year. Meanwhile, married couples should be more tolerant and understanding with each other.
Wealth - It's generally a good year in terms of wealth for the Ox. Although money may not be your big problem, you should still be careful with your spending.

Tiger (1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1986, 1998, 2010)

Career - The Year of the Sheep will bring strong support luck from your boss. But it'll be hard work and pressure that'll push you to be successful.
Health - Stress and work-related pressure will weaken your immune system. But luck is on your side. You will find a good and capable doctor.
Relationships - Single Tigers will meet someone special. Married couples will have a blissful relationship this year.
Wealth - Tigers should learn to save; money comes easily, but it can also easily slip away.  

Rabbit (1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

Career - Improve your interpersonal skills with your co-workers. Going to dinner after work and socializing with office mates can be very beneficial. You need to build strong bonds with each other.
Health - Your health this year is not that strong, so try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Be careful of stomachache and diarrhea, and be watchful of what you eat. Avoid any risky sports that may lead to serious injuries.
Relationships - Be careful with what you say and be more sensitive; you have a tendency to offend your partner, which may ruin your relationship.
Wealth - This will be a prosperous year with lots of financial improvement. Expect salary increase and bonuses because of hitting your quota. You also have plenty of luck with property and stocks. Be warned: Avoid being greedy.

Dragon (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

Career - The Dragon will shine in their chosen careers this year. There is an opportunity of being pirated by another company. It is better to choose a better job. Be more confident when dealing with your work.
Health - There will be no major health issue this year. But, learning meditation enhances well-being and handling stress.
Relationships - It's a good year for romance for the Dragon this year! Any disputes over your relationship can be easily resolved. However, be careful since you are prone to gossip and back-stabbers who will be jealous of your blooming love life.
Wealth - This year, you will enjoy more salary increases and bonuses. The Dragon's wealth will improve immensely this year, which will enable you to enjoy the finer things in life.

Snake (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

Career - Promotion is just around the corner. Take advantage of all the helpful people at work who are willing to help you accomplish tasks. But make sure to repay favors and build bonds with them.
Health - Snakes should be careful for they will be prone to accidents and injuries. Take extra precaution especially when driving.
Relationships - Single Snakes will need extra effort to find the right partner.
Wealth - You should place your money in long-term investment. It is a good year to pay all debts and settle all accounts while the resources are available.

Horse (1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Career - Work is challenging this year for the Horse. Make sure to do and finish one task at a time. You need to focus and not to let their work pile up.
Health - There will be minor health problems. Seek medical treatment immediately to prevent serious illness.
Relationships - Romance is strong this year. Those who are single and looking for the perfect partner have a good chance of finding the right one who can be their long-time partner.
Wealth - There will be financial losses this year. It is best to monitor your finances and control expenses. You may also be cheated.

Sheep or Goat (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

Career - The Sheep should avoid being too assertive; instead, just follow instructions from your boss. Be smart in your strategy and approach. Try to think things over before doing it.
Health - Learn to relax by going to vacations. Leisurely travel is a big help to de-stress. Relax and keep calm by making trips to peaceful places.
Relationship - Those who are still single will need to have extra effort in finding the right relationship. Marriages are prone to misunderstandings.
Wealth - Prepare for rainy days: setting aside some money may prove very useful. Extra work effort is also needed.

Monkey (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Career - This year,  you have a promising career. Expect to improve at work, gain support and guidance from peers especially the opposite sex.
Health - Too much work makes the Monkey neglect his health. Follow a balanced diet and exercise. Sufficient sleep and rest is also necessary to keep illnesses and stress at bay.
Relationships - For the single men, this year may be a good year to find love. Mingling with the people may be a first step to a successful relationship.
Wealth - Avoid risky business as well as short-term investment.

Rooster (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

Career - Good planning and strategy will help you overcome any obstacles at work. Prepare for major changes and delays at work. Make sure there is enough time to meet deadlines.
Health - Avoid any aggressive activity or sports that can lead to accidents and injuries. Do relaxing exercises instead.  
Relationships - Single Roosters need extra effort to find love. Meanwhile, married couples need to spend more time together.
Wealth - Financial luck is poor this year. It is best to keep a low profile to avoid any losses.

Dog (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

Career - The Dog needs to maintain a low profile at work as there may be trouble that could jeopardize your chance for advancement. Your boss may recognize your efforts this year.
Health - You will be susceptible to illnesses. Maintain the right weight through exercise and seek early medical treatment if needed.
Relationship - Extra marital affairs could lead to serious problems. But, if you are single, there is a strong chance of finding the right one this year.
Wealth - This is an excellent year to improve your finances. Keep your eyes on opportunities but avoid being impulsive.

Boar (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

Career - Backstabbers are going to attack you this year. Since you have supportive stars coming into your chart, you can expect helpful friends at work.
Health - Do low-impact exercises and avoid aggressive sports.
Relationships - The Year of the Sheep promises a harmonious relationship for the Dog. For couples, it is a good year to get married. Those who are single should be more proactive so they can easily find the right partner.
Wealth - Businessmen and self-employed individuals will bring in profitable returns. — BM, GMA News