

Raise your #HandEATiquette for safer snacking

Snacking has become one of our favorite activities to get through the restlessness of our stay-at-home activities. It brings comfort and simple joys that make our day. Of course, the things we touch are always a concern when it comes to health and safety, not only because of possible virus transmission but also due to bacteria that may cause illness, especially when we’re eating. That’s why it’s important to get everyone in on Rebisco #HandEATiquette to keep snacking safe!

You and every member of the family should make #HandEATiquette part of your new snacking habit. Just follow these Finger-tips!

Mom, dad, or elder siblings working from home:
Typing away at the computer, taking calls on your phone, answering messages on your work chat groups - these are only some of the things that can keep your hands busy as you work from home. Switching from one device to another isn’t uncommon, and neither is reaching for some Choco Mucho Cookies or Happy Peanuts while you work! This may cause contamination of your food!

  1. Handy with chopsticks? It’s a great way to keep hands from touching food, especially when sharing is inevitable. You can also use a fork or spoon.
  2. Eat snacks that are individually-wrapped, like Fudgee Bar, so you can hold on to the wrapper and keep from directly touching the food while you eat.
  3. Using your work/typing hand to touch your snack is a no-no! Always be cautious and use your non-busy/non-typing hand for your snack instead.

Online school and study time for kids:
Note-taking and tapping on a tablet are a student’s way of maneuvering through online lessons these days, but many of them can still feel sleepy in class. Can’t help but rub your eyes, scroll through social media, and reach for some snacks to keep yourself awake? Remember, when it’s switching between your gadget or a Funky French Fry Snax, don’t mix fingertip touches!

  1. Pop a mouthful of peanuts or chips directly from the pack, and keep the wrapper from touching your mouth.
  2. Pour your chips into a cup or glass and take quick and easy snackshots!
  3. Keep tissues handy to hold on to your Hansel Sandwich biscuit.
  4. Remember to always tear open your snacks using your hands instead of your mouth!

Family bonding or break time:
Keeping stress at bay also means taking breaks, and snacking is one of our favorite break time to-dos. Taking it easy, though, can mean that we might let our guard down! Scratching your nose, playing with pets, using your phone to make a Tiktok video, or handling the remote control may be detrimental to safe snacking when you have a pack of Rebisco Crackers or Tostas Corn chips that you’re ready to eat!

  1. Since your Rebisco snacks are always sealed for safety, you can disinfect the packaging by wiping it down with alcohol or wipes.
  2. Keep the surfaces you often touch clean. Avoid touching your face, and always, ALWAYS wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, especially before and after eating. Frequent hand washing is always the best option.

Safe snacking is easy when you keep your fingertips clean! Just follow these pointers to raise your #HandEATiquette and enjoy safe and fun snacking with the family.

Food safety is essential to everyone’s health. Rebisco continues to bring you food and fun, while reminding us all that safe snacking is possible, whenever and wherever, as long as we keep in mind the importance of #HandEATiquette. It’s time to spread good vibes and good snacks -- not the germs.

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