

Christmas food ingredients that you can buy all year round

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One way to make sure that you won’t end up stressed and broke this Christmas is by being a wise spender. Plan your Christmas menu weeks or even months before the holiday. Then, buy the items you know are available all year round earlier, to avoid the Christmas price increase. This way, you can save plenty of money and time.

Below are some food items that you can buy all year round:


Pasta is always available at the grocery stores, because Filipino serves pasta dishes for almost all occasions, not just Christmas. You can easily buy elbow macaroni for your macaroni salad or spaghetti noodles for your Filipino-style spaghetti any time of the year.


Whether you prefer canton or bihon, you can be sure that you will always find the exact kind of noodles you need for your pancit all year round. Since pancit is a staple dish in Filipino celebrations, consider buying noodles in bulk months before Christmas, because it is cheaper and more convenient. Not only will you have enough noodles in your home to make pancit for Noche Buena, you will also have extras for any upcoming events.

Photo by Daria Volkova on Unsplash


Tomato Sauce

Tomato sauce is used in a lot of Filipino dishes, including spaghetti, morcon, mechado and afritada. If you use it at home regularly, buy a packet that would last you all year, to save money. Transfer it to a container and store it properly in your fridge, so that it will be good until Christmas.

All-Purpose Cream

The demand for all-purpose cream increases during the Christmas season, because it is a primary ingredient in cream sauces and desserts. It is smart to stock up on this product months before the holiday season, to make sure that you have enough. Store it at room temperature and keep it away from the sunlight, so that it won’t curdle. If left unopened it can last nine months after its manufacture date. 

Fruit Cocktail

Canned fruit cocktail can last 18 to 24 months after its manufacture date. This means you can buy this essential fruit salad ingredient long before the holiday price increase and the Christmas rush begins.

Aside from being the season of giving, Christmas is also the season of price increase and long lines at supermarkets. During this time of the year, you need to allot time and money in grocery shopping, because almost everyone is preparing and hoarding ingredients for their Christmas parties and Noche Buena feast.

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