
#PINNED: The 15 Best Foods for Constipation

By Aimee Lontok

#Pinned makes it easier for young Filipinos to discover meaningful and enriching content and stories that will help them separate music from the noise, wheat from the chaff, and flowers from the weeds.

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Do you find yourself in a rut, not being able to digest what you ate last night or even that burrito from a few nights back that is? You probably can’t explain what you’re feeling right now, that heavy bloat which you can’t seem to get out of your system.

Well, we’ve got a simple answer for you. You’re constipated! Constipation is when your digestive system is not working the way it should. It’s your colon’s job to absorb water and create waste as food passes through the digestive tract. So, if that’s not happening for you, then there must be something lacking in your eating habits.

As we’re here to help you get out of this mess, we’ve come up with a list of food that will help you “go” in no time!

If you’re already into being mindful with what you eat, switching up to a healthier lifestyle, then you’re on the right track.

Hand picking high-fiber foods is good for your stomach as it works as both a hardening and softening agent for your stool. This doesn’t mean that all you have to eat are fruits and vegetables, but it’s good practice incorporating small portions of it into your meal until you progress.

Photo created by Tom Brunberg -

When you’re out grocery shopping you don’t have to buy much, but only get what works for you. Ideally you’ll be needing 20 to 25 grams of dietary fiber per day. To make your life easier, you can play around with these food items that you can find while walking through the aisles.

With fruits, try those that are easily accessible to you and ones you really like. This selection has three to four grams of fiber per serving. With apples, our pro tip is eating it with the skin on!

  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Oranges
  • Pineapples
  • Strawberries
  • Raisins

It’s old news that vegetables, especially greens are the way to go when wanting smooth bowel movement. It’s more of can you really stand the taste?

No, you don’t have to eat them raw. You can spice things up by turning it into a salad, stir fry them in oyster sauce, pop in a little minced pork, or simply go with steaming. How about a creamy spinach side dish and mashed potatoes? Again, with the skin on please!


Take note: Go for darker colored vegetables, because that’s where you’ll get higher fiber content.

  • Lettuce
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Potatoes

For carb lovers (like yours truly), going for grain substitutes is better for your digestive system. This way, all the fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals are still present when having your meal.

  • Brown rice
  • Whole wheat bread

You can get natural oils from nuts and granola. The fiber and omega fatty acids from this readily available cupboard snack will help your stomach (grumble) in no time.

  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Granola

If you want to ditch the midnight trip to the kitchen for a bag of chips, you can mix and match these food items for a delicious trail mix. Grab some raisins, a handful of almonds and walnuts, and throw in your favorite chocolate chips in there!

Last but not the least, remember to hydrate. Hydration is key when you’re constipated. Drinking the right amount of water will help soften the food that has been stuck in your stomach and move it out. So, don’t forget to drink your eight glasses a day.

Photo created by Camille Brodard -

No time to stock up or find fiber-rich food a little expensive? No problem! You can opt to take fiber supplements as an alternative. Visit your nearest pharmacy and you can find them over the counter.

We hope that this simple food guide was helpful to get you to eat healthier, and provide you with a natural laxative routine that is effective and works fast.


Aimee Lontok is a journalist who aims to create an escape for those who need a break from the real world and want to indulge in stories they want to read.