
#PINNED: 8 new normal essentials you shouldn't leave home without

By Aimee Lontok

#Pinned makes it easier for young Filipinos to discover meaningful and enriching content and stories that will help them separate music from the noise, wheat from the chaff, and flowers from the weeds.

All our stories are written by young creatives who made it their life mission to know everything there is to know about how fellow young adults can make the most out of their limited down time every day, every week.

Over a year in quarantine can trigger a bit of cabin fever—wanting to be reintroduced to what lies outside your doors, and bringing back some sort of normalcy.

As the COVID-19 vaccine roll out is in the works and restrictions begin to ease up, there’s a possibility that you’ll be physically reporting back for work. You might even be brave enough to do errands again, take out of town trips, or see your loved ones.

But this is not a reason to let your guard down and risk the people around you. You should actually be more cautious, not knowing who you come in contact with.

Whether it’s going back to the office for the daily grind, grocery shopping, or taking a breather through a quick trip basking under the scorching sun of your favorite beach—we’ve come up with a list of items that should be part of your Covid protection kit and shouldn’t leave home without.

1. Mask and Mask Case

Masks work and help stop the spread of COVID-19, especially if you practice social distancing. Wearing it has become a norm so you probably won’t be seeing anyone maskless for a while.

Don’t forget to pack a spare! And put it in a protective case to keep it clean while you’re at it.

2. Alcohol

For those who are longtime germaphobes (like yours truly), it’s natural to carry a bottle of alcohol wherever you go. But now being another essential, it’s best to use after touching surfaces that other people may have touched too.

3. Disinfectant Wipes

You can go overboard with this next item. Maybe even finishing the entire pack in one go!

After a day away from home, fleshing out a routine of disinfecting your items should come like clockwork. Disinfectant wipes will always come in handy for cleaning your phone, keys, packages, or basically every tangible item. You can even use it for your body! Talk about multi-tasking.

4. Throat and Nasal Spray


Here are some things we never thought we needed. As the list goes on, on items you need to disinfect, don’t forget that the virus can still be in your nasal passages.

It’s important to have throat and nasal spray that are proven to kill viruses. Adding that layer of protection, while washing out remnants of whatever has been stirring there all day.

5. Pack your essentials in a reusable pouch

For the lazy bag lady—you can always ditch the purse and opt to carry just the items you need. Having a reusable pouch will always come in handy, plus it’s the easiest to disinfect! Stuff our top recos in storage bags you can actually wash.

If you’re feeling extra you can splurge a bit more, since there’s no such thing as being too careful nowadays.

6. Pocket Sterilizer

Having a pocket sterilizer that uses UV light technology will give you the satisfaction of eliminating bacteria, viruses, molds, and allergens that are present on any surface or personal items—may it be toys, keyboards, doorknobs, or countertops.

After your usual disinfecting routine, you can use this as an extra step!

7. Wearable Air Purifier

While wearing a mask all day, you want the air around you to be as clean as possible. So why not invest in a wearable air purifier that guards your breathing space from airborne pollutants?

8. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

PPE’s don’t have to look like you’re headed straight to the nearest hospital. You’d be surprised how clothing brands have evolved and manufactured their own stylish protective suits you can wear casually on a day out.

As we continue the fight against COVID-19, protect yourself and your loved ones with these essentials that will help combat infection.


Aimee Lontok is a journalist who aims to create an escape for those who need a break from the real world and want to indulge in stories they want to read.