

Avoid the holiday weight gain

It’s the season to eat, drink, and be merry! It’s also the time of the year when you might be getting more calories than usual. After all, food is one of the things Filipinos loves during the holidays. As easy as it is to be swept away by the festivities, does this mean you’re doomed to gain a few extra pounds by the time the new year rolls in?

Don’t worry - you can enjoy the season without the dreaded ‘holiday weight gain’. Follow these suggestions to stay fit, healthy, and glowing this Christmas.

Don’t skip meals.
You might think of skipping meals to whet up your appetite later for the delicious party spread, but this will only lead you to eat more than you should. Stick to your daily meal routine.

Make smart food choices.
Everything on the holiday table looks enticing, but you might want to fill up first on your fruits and vegetables.

Think of portion control.
Yes, you can still have a taste of the sweet stuff and other delicious treats. The key is portion control. Avoid second servings if you can.

Drink responsibly.
Drink less alcohol, carbonated, and sugary drinks. Water or calorie-free drinks are still your best options.

Pace yourself.
Take the time to fully savor your meals. Don’t eat in front of a TV or snack mindlessly while chatting with family or friends.

Get moving.
You can actively prevent any weight gain if you know how many calories you need to burn off. Stay active even during the holidays.

Take Xenical.
Xenical is a trusted and clinically proven effective weight management capsule. With a healthy diet and regular exercise, Xenical can help you reduce or maintain weight. It is safe for both long-term and short-term use.

Studies have shown that over the years, more Filipinos are becoming overweight or obese.  This puts a lot of people at risk for other health complications like heart diseases. Be mindful during this holiday season by making better food choices, staying active, and learning how to manage possible setbacks along with your weight management journey.

Begin a healthier journey today! For more #ComebackStronger tips and inspiration, follow Xenical on Facebook.

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