
JoyRide vows no surge pricing, claims lower fares than Angkas


New motorcycle taxi player JoyRide is claiming to have lower fares compared to pioneer Angkas because it does not impose price surges.

“We do not have price surge. Anytime. Anywhere,” JoyRide vice president for Corporate Affairs Noli Eala said in a press conference in Quezon City on Thursday.

Comparing sample bookings done using JoyRide and Angkas apps, Eala said the company’s fares were lower than its competitor.



The JoyRide official said the motorcycle hailing provider would comply with the fare system imposed by authorities, but minus the surge.

The fare system being implemented for motorcycle taxis is P50 for the first two kilometers, P10 for every succeeding kilometer up to seven kilometers, P15 per kilometer if the ride exceeds seven kilometers, and 1.5 times surge.

Eala said JoyRide currently has 65,000 app downloads as of Dec. 31, 2019. The motorcycle taxi firm has almost 7,000 bikers in its fleet.


The company is confident it can meet reach the cap 10,000 bikers in Metro Manila and 3,000 riders in Cebu.

Last December 18, 2019, the inter-agency Technical Working Group (TWG) extended the six-month pilot run of motorcycle ride-hailing operations for another three months, with the inclusion of two new players. 

This as the pilot run involving motorcycle taxi pioneer Angkas was about to end on Dec. 26, 2019.

The body has allowed Angkas, together with new players JoyRide, and Move to participate in the “Extended Pilot Implementation” starting December 23, 2019 up to Mar. 23, 2020 with an overall allotted cap of 39,000 registered bikers —10,000 bikers per Transport Network Company (TNC) for Metro Manila and 3,000 bikers per TNC for Metro Cebu operations.

In May, the DOTr allowed Angkas to operate as ride-hailing motorcycle taxi for six months starting in June.

The pilot run was approved in aid of legislation in both the House of Representatives and the Senate to evaluate pending bills pushing for the legalization of motorcycles as public utility vehicles (PUVs). 

As a result existing laws such as Republic Act No. 4136 or the Land Transportation and Traffic Code may be amended, according to the DOTr. —NB, GMA News