
Gamboa tasks Anti-Cybercrime Group to probe fake Facebook accounts


Philippine National Police chief Police General Archie Francisco Gamboa on Monday directed the Anti-Cybercrime Group to investigate the emergence of fake Facebook accounts.

"Yes, in fact, active tayo sa social media monitoring and anything that are non-normal and perceived to be illegal then ginagawan ng Anti-Cybercrime Group," Gamboa said in a press briefing.

"We encouraged everybody na kung mayroon kayong nakitang medyo anonymous o hindi legal in the social media platform, iparating niyo sa Philippine National Police so that we can investigate it," he added.

According to the PNP chief, the police will look into the allegation that those who have dummy accounts are the ones who voiced out their sentiments against the controversial anti-terror bill.


Over the weekend, a huge number of fake accounts have emerged, resulting in alarm and concern of Facebook users.

Facebook has encouraged the public to continue reporting any accounts they believe may be inauthentic.

The social media giant is working to validate the authenticity of these accounts and should the accounts fail to pass through authenticity checks, the accounts will be removed.—AOL, GMA News