
Med cert not required for vaccination of general pediatric population —DOH


Medical certificates are not required for the vaccination of minors aged 12 to 17 against COVID-19, the Department of Health (DOH) said Thursday.

According to the DOH, vaccinees only need to provide documents that prove filiation or guardianship between the child and the parent/ guardian as well as valid identification cards.

“We also would like to remind LGUs to address the concerns or barriers that hinder their constituents from getting vaccinated against COVID-19,” the DOH said in a message to reporters.

Minors with comorbidities, meanwhile, need medical certification from their doctors to get vaccinated against the disease.

The DOH issued the statement after infectious disease specialist Benjamin Co expressed frustration over local governments that were supposedly asking for medical certificates from minors with no comorbidities.


The DOH said it has reached out to the National Vaccination Operations Center regarding the issue.

A total of 40,419 minors with comorbidities have been vaccinated against COVID-19 since the campaign started on October 15.

The Philippines on Wednesday logged 1,591 new COVID-19 cases, the lowest since February 24, bringing the nationwide tally to 2,793,898. —KBK, GMA News