Public Affairs

Crocodile encounters and beach strandings on 'Born to be Wild'

Line-up for April 7 & 14, 2019
2-part special

Doc Nielsen and his team travel to Balabac, Palawan where a large population of saltwater crocodiles can be found. The team investigates why crocodile and human encounters have resulted in fatalities. Doc Nielsen talks to the families of the victims and discovers how they have lived with the crocodiles for most of their lives. He also visits a school that is located behind a river with crocs, where students and teachers can actually take a selfie with this wild creature.



Strandings of marine animals like sea turtles, dolphins, and whales have filled the news and social media recently. Doc Ferds responds to a call that a sea turtle has been stranded in Batangas and is very weak. Doc Ferds sees the bad cracks on the turtle's carapace. The sea turtle needs to undergo an x-ray to check whether its internal organs are also affected. While treating the sea turtle, the team receives another call. This time, in Cagayan, a juvenile Bryde's whale was also stranded.
Don't miss this two-part special on Born to be Wild, starting this Sunday, after AHA!