

Jackie Forster reunites with sons Kobe and Andre

We are so happy for Jackie Forster! On Instagram, the former actress announced she has reunited with her two sons Kobe and Andre.


“When you have little pieces of you walking around on earth, all you can do that makes the biggest difference is to pray for them. When your heart beats in tune with your prayer, their Homing Device will activicate, eventually they come home. This is all that matters now, that we are together again,” a portion of Jackie’s message that accompanied the photo of the three of them.

She thanked Andre for taking caring of Kobe, while she was away, and told Kobe he “will always be mama’s hero.”

After sharing so much of their personal lives with the public, Jackie asked everybody to please respect their privacy.  “We want to take this time to heal and bond. No more bashing please,” she added.



Photo: Kobe Paras/IG

We're presuming the reunion happened on Saturday night over Japanese dinner in Manila. Because check out Kobe’s IG stories. Doesn't that Marilyn Manson shirt look exactly what Andre's wearing in Jackie's post? Oh but we'll stop right there and respect Jackie's request for privacy. — LA, GMA News