
Bulatlat urges QC court to cite NTC in contempt


Bulatlat on Thursday asked the Quezon City Regional Trial Court Branch 306 to cite the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) for indirect contempt for the continued inaccessibility of the former's website.

In a six-page petition, Bulatlat said the continued blocking of its website for more than 48 hours after a writ of preliminary injunction was issued is an "outright and inexcusable act of defying a lawful order” of the court.

“Despite due service of the writ, the respondent defied, and continued to defy, the Writ of Preliminary Injunction, wherein it was enjoined to discontinue the implementation of its memorandum,” it said.

The QC court previously granted a writ of preliminary injunction to stop the NTC from enforcing its order to block access to its website after Bulatlat posted a bond amounting to P100,000.


The writ enjoined NTC from enforcing its memorandum ordering internet service providers to block access to while the case is ongoing.

“Wherefore, it is respectfully prayed of this Honorable Court that, after due notice and hearing, respondent NTC be cited in contempt of Court and sanctioned accordingly,” Bulatlat said.

GMA News Online has sought comment from the NTC but yet to receive a reply as of posting time.—AOL, GMA News