
Reds have infiltrated DOJ, says AFP exec

Communists have infiltrated the Department of Justice, a ranking official of the Armed Forces of the Philippines said on Wednesday.

Brigadier General Antonio Parlade Jr., the AFP deputy chief of staff for operations, said prosecutors had been conspiring with members of the New People's Army to cause the dismissal of criminal complaints against leftist rebels.

"They've done that long ago. In fact, they're fast in dismissing cases that we've filed even if give them lots of evidence," Parlade said.

Parlade mentioned a complaint against NPA rebeles who were arrested with a van full of explosives.

"It was dismissed after one week. We found out that the fiscal there and other of the court are conniving with them," Parlade said without going into the specifics.


"They have a deep-rooted intelligence and this is what we are doing now, expose it. We should be careful because its the country that will suffer," he said of the communist rebels.

GMA News Online is still trying to get a comment from Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra as of posting time.

It was Parlade who disclosed the supposed ouster plot against President Rodrigo Duterte. 

Dubbed Red October, the plot was supposedly coordinated by Communist Party of the Philippines founder Jose Maria Sison.

The plot reportedly involved communists, former military rebels and members of the mainstream opposition. —NB, GMA News