
Frustrated with graft, Duterte tells Filipinos to look for leader like Marcos


President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday asked Filipinos to look for a leader like the late strongman Ferdinand Marcos as he expressed frustration anew with government corruption.

Duterte said he could not eradicate corruption even with 20 years as president under the 1987 Constitution, which he seeks to change to pave way for a federal form of government.

“Kaya sabi ko nawalaan na ako ng gana. At totoo sabihin ko nagsisi ako kasi akala ko within the constitutional powers na ibinigay sa akin, kaya ko,” Duterte said in a speech at the 121st anniversary of the Philippine Navy at Sangley Point in Cavite City.

“Sa batas na ito, constitution, even if you give me 20 years I cannot do it. Maghanap uli kayo ng Marcos. Or someday, somehow, somewhere that fellow will be elected in the generations to come.”

Duterte said the Philippines would never reach “even half what Hong Kong will be in 30 years” in terms of economic progress.

“Kung sabihin mo mag-improve tayo beyond the level that we find ourselves economically, politically, well I’m sorry, I’m telling you hindi dadating ‘yan,” Duterte said.


The President is a political ally of the Marcoses and a vocal admirer of the late strongman, who was laid to rest at the Libingan ng mga Bayani on November 18, 2016 with Duterte's support.

The Supreme Court upheld the burial at the heroes' cemetery after it was questioned before the high tribunal.

Duterte also backed the successful senatorial bid of Ilocos Norte Governor Imee Marcos, one of the three children of the late president, in the 2019 midterm elections.

During his two-decade rule that started in 1965, Ferdinand Marcos oversaw a martial rule marked by serious human rights violations and corruption of an estimated $5 billion to $10 billion from government coffers.

Marcos was removed from office through the EDSA Revolution in February 1986, leaving a nation mired in deep poverty and foreign debt. —NB, GMA News