
Lacson files 'designated survivor' bill


A bill has been filed at the Senate to ensure that the Office of the President will not be vacated in case of a terrorist attack, major disaster, or other "exceptional circumstances."

In filing Senate Bill 982 or the "designated survivor" bill, Senator Panfilo Lacson said his proposed legislation seeks to guarantee the continuity and stability of operations in government when the President and those specified by the Constitution to succeed him or her are killed or permanently disabled.

"This bill ... seeks to provide an exhaustive line/order of presidential succession in the event of death, permanent disability, removal from office or resignation of the Acting President to ensure that the office of the President is never vacated even in exceptional circumstances," he said.

Under the 1987 Constitution, the line of presidential succession includes the Vice President, Senate President, and Speaker of the House of Representatives.

In case of their death or permanent disability, Lacson's bill provides that the following elected and appointed officers who are not under any disability to discharge the powers and duties of the Office of the President shall act as President in the following order:

  • the most senior Senator, based on the length of service in the Senate;
  • the most senior Representative based on the length of service in the House of Representatives;
  • the member of the Cabinet designated by the President.


Under the bill, the President shall also designate a member of the Cabinet to be sequestered in a secret and secure location before any public or private activity, event, or function which will be attended by the President, Vice President and other ranking officials.

"In the event of an extraordinary circumstance resulting in the death or permanent disability of the President, Vice President and the officials mentioned... the designated member of the Cabinet shall act as President," the bill states.

Lacson said the Acting President's official actions pertaining to the day-to-day operation of the government shall remain effective unless revoked by the elected President within 90 days from his or her assumption or re-assumption of office. —KBK, GMA News