
OSG vows data privacy crimes won't go unpunished

The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) on Monday vowed that those who will be found involved in a data breach will be punished following the recent exposure of British cybersecurity firm that documents from OSG were leaked to the public.

"The country can rest assured that these crimes against data privacy committed upon the State and its clients shall not go unpunished and that perpetrators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law," OSG said in a press statement.

London-based TurgenSec Ltd. said some 345,000 documents were accessible


to anyone with a browser and internet connection until April 28,2021. The files include training documents, internal passwords and policies, staffing payment information, and financial processes and audits.

OSG said it will "respond appropriately" to reports of data breaches, adding that it will make necessary procedures to protect confidential documents.

"While the OSG notes the responsible disclosure procedure of TurgenSec, the OSG must still be wary of unverified reports sent to its office and shall respond appropriately only after a proper verification has been undertaken as to the accuracy and veracity of these alleged data breaches," OSG said.

"Finally, the OSG assures that all necessary steps have been put in place in order to protect the confidential and sensitive information contained in its submissions before the courts of justice," it added.

The justice department previously said it has yet to receive official information of the reported data breach but it is prepared to help the OSG in investigating the controversy.—Consuelo Marquez/LDF, GMA News