
Philippines reports 6,835 new COVID-19 cases; active infections at 116K


The Philippines on Monday recorded 6,835 additional coronavirus disease cases, increasing the total caseload to 3,616,387.

This is the seventh straight day where new cases are below 10,000.



Of the 6,835 new cases, the Department of Health (DOH) said 6,673 (98%) occurred from January 25 to February 7, 2022. The top regions with new cases in the recent two weeks were Metro Manila with 949 or 14%, Western Visayas with 822 or 12% and Central Visayas with 624 or 9%.

Figures from DOH also showed that the fresh infections brought the active  tally to 116,720. Of the number, 7,806 are asymptomatic; 103,900 are mild; 3,184 are moderate; 1,495 are severe; and 335 are critical.


The nationwide positivity rate showed that 19.1% turned positive out of the 36,773 total conducted tests on February 5, 2022.

The DOH data also indicated that 16,330 more recovered and 12 more died from the diseases, raising the total recoveries and death toll to 3,445,129 and 54,538, respectively.

For the healthcare utilization rate, 41% of intensive care unit beds nationwide are 41% in use while mechanical ventilators are at 21% utilized.

In Metro Manila, ICU beds are 33% in use while ventilators are 19% occupied.

Sixteen duplicates, which include four recoveries, were deleted from the total caseload. The DOH also reclassified 12 recoveries into deaths.

Meanwhile, all laboratories were operational on February 5, 2022 but DOH documented two non-reporting labs, which contribute 0.2% of samples tested and 0.1% of positive individuals based on data in the last 14 days.—LDF, GMA News