
BuCor releases 949 PDLs from various prisons


A total of 949 persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) were released on Friday from various prisons and penal farms, bringing the number of released PDLs to over 6,000 under the current administration, according to the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor).

Bucor said that 486 were from the maximum, medium, and minimum compound of the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) as well as the NBP’s Reception and Diagnostic Center.

This was followed by 177 PDLs from the Davao Prison and Penal Farm and 90 PDLs from the Correctional Institution for Women.  

BuCor said that most of the PDLs released have already served their maximum sentence. Meanwhile, 213 were acquitted, 129 were given parole, 29 were granted probation, and two were released on cash bond.


The culminating activity was attended by Justice Secretary Crispin Remulla and Public Attorney’s Office Chief Atty. Persida Rueda-Acosta, among others.

“We also have to expedite the release of PDLs if they have already served their maximum sentence and our police force and prosecutors are now working hand in hand to resolve the issue of those accused being detained for so long much more than their sentence,” Remulla said.

Meanwhile, BuCor officer-in-charge Gil Torralba said that BuCor has launched an Integrity Monitoring and Enforcement Unit (IMEU).

Through the IMEU, BuCor employees can report illicit activities of their co-workers while PDLs who have been released can report through text or call. —VAL, GMA Integrated News