Have you already felt the sultry summer weather? Have you decided where to spend your next “every-summer-has-its-story” weaving?

One of exciting tourist destinations in the Province of Cebu is Bojo River in the Municipality of Aloguinsan in the Midwest.

Bojo River offers swimming and guided cruise down the river leading to the mouth that opens out to Tañon Strait, a protected seascape that separates Cebu and Negros islands.

Bojo River teems with marine lives that continue to thrive because of its flourishing mangrove forests.  

Its success as one of important ecotourism destinations in Cebu, still covered with verdure and replete with marine resources, retaining its splendor despite challenges in environmental conservation vis-a-vis tourism activities nowadays, has earned for Bojo River the Best Tourism Village Award, a recognition given by the United Nations World Tourism Organization. It is one of 44 awardees in 32 countries.

The most striking spot in the area which is the lush mangrove forest speaks of over two decades of stewardship of Bojo Aloguinsan Ecotourism Association (Baetas), a community organization. 

Rudney Carcuevas, one of pioneering Baetas members, who later moved to lead the pack, said that Bojo River has always attracted tourists but increases in numbers are  significant every time they receive citations, recognitions, awards, and the like.

A couple charmed by the lush riverscape chose the location for their wedding ceremony.

Mr. Marvin Tudlong and wife, Jovenine Caberte-Tudlong, are said to be the first couple to have exchanged their vows right at the mangrove forest. Marvin said they both seek a life of adventure as they enjoy the simplicity at the core of every outdoorsperson, so they decided to be closer to nature when they sealed their marital commitment in 2023.

Baetas has a gentle reminder to guests, though - to consider foremost a reduced impact on the environment by observing the cardinal Leave-No-Trace (LNT) principle.

(via Orchids Lapingcao/GMA Regional TV Balitang Bisdak)