A jeepney driver in Naga City, Camarines Sur became the subject of admiration and praise from netizens after he refused to collect fare from a student who left her wallet at home.

The heartwarming act was shared on social media by the student, Alona May Ordaza, who expressed her gratitude toward the driver, Jerry Broquez.

According to Ordaza, she realized her wallet was not with her when she was about to pay her fare.

“Hala mayo ngako akong kabisto, ma-1-2-3 na lang gayod ako. Tapos sabi ko garo bukod sa magkakasala ako, makasupugon sa part ko tapos sa jeepney driver. Kaya katong pababa na po ako, nagrani po ako saiya sabi ko ‘Kuya nasusupog po akong maray, harani na po akong magbaba kaso po mayo po si wallet ko,’” she said.

Instead of getting angry or demanding payment, Broquez empathized with the girl and insisted that she did not have to pay for her ride. 

Broquez who has been servicing the Centro-Magsaysay-Diversion route for nearly 20 years said Ordaza’s honesty moved him, which was why it was easy for him to waive her fare. 

“Magayon man po si [paliwanag] niya—ta nagpaaram siya sako na nawara si wallet niya or [nawalat] kaya pig kuyan ko naman na dae na siya magbayad,” Broquez said.

Broquez said that he understands the day-to-day struggles students like Ordaza go through since he also sends his two children to school.

For Broquez, the satisfaction of being honest and receiving a simple thank you from passengers like Ordaza is more valuable than any amount of money.