Elmer Baguioro was a successful overseas Filipino worker in Singapore. He was doing very well as an oil trader in a Singaporean company.

Despite the successful career, though, he has come home to live the simple life in Barangay Alangilan, Bacolod City where he invests on a start-up farm.

He pursues organic farming that calls for the natural production of fertilizers using decomposed materials such as fruit peelings, wilted leaves, and other kitchen refuse and trash. He said it is important to take care of the soil because a well-nourished and well-conditioned soil will take care of the plants in return.

Elmer grows basil, lettuce, Chinese cabbage, and other vegetables. As he produces quality vegetables, he supplies stores and restaurants in Bacolod City.

The natural farming method not only benefits the farm but also its workers who have learned to steer clear from commercial fertilizers that are found to be detrimental to the soil, to the beneficial bacteria and other organisms in the soil, based on scientific studies. 

Elmer is also delighted that his start-up venture has generated jobs for neighbors who serve as farmhands. 

“For natural farming approach, ang mindset is we take care of the soil. The soil will take care of the plants. Ang focus ng natural farming is nasa soil at ecosystem,” Elmer said.