“Pinoy Aquaman” Ingemar Macarine added a new record under his belt after completing a 10-kilometer open water swim for a cause in Capiz on Sunday, March 17, 2024.

The prosecutor from Bohol swam for three hours and 15 minutes nonstop and unassisted from Olotayan Island to the People's Park in Barangay Baybay, Roxas City, Capiz.

“So far, this is my fastest marathon swim (10km). The current, tides, and wind were all in perfect condition so I took advantage of it by swimming faster, thinking the current might change anytime just like what happened during my Masbate swim last year.” Macarine told GMA Regional TV News.

Last year, the Surigao-born triathlete swam for four hours and 22 minutes from Bugtong Island in Pio V. Corpus town to Barangay Matayum in Cataingan, Masbate.

“It was an ideal day and condition for a long swim. I am very much prepared for this swim,” he said.

Despite his hectic work schedule, Macarine managed to do back-to-back training in the past several months to regain his conditioning and be in tip-top shape for the event.

“Thirty minutes run and floor exercises in the morning and two hour swim in the evening… I had to balance work and training, considering my full time job as a Department of Justice Prosecutor,” he shared.

Three advocacies fuel the environmental lawyer’s every swim.

“Swim is to promote clean seas and beaches, Roxas City tourism, and healthy lifestyle,” he said.

He also bared his plan to swim 10 kilometers abroad, from Canada to the United States, in July 2024.