Dear Graduate,

As you step into the world beyond university, I want to share a piece of my journey—a journey that’s been far from the straight path I once envisioned. Graduation day at Silliman University filled me with excitement and dreams of a bright future, but what followed was a series of twists and turns that taught me invaluable lessons about life and the pursuit of a meaningful career.

The initial post-graduation euphoria soon gave way to the harsh reality of job hunting. Despite my academic achievements and accolades, landing a job was far more challenging than I anticipated. Rejections and disappointments became constant companions, rolling into my inbox like boulders on free fall. I found myself questioning everything I thought I knew about success.

After months of searching, I finally landed a job that seemed promising at first but that quickly turned into a nightmare. The constant pressure to meet unrealistic targets, the lack of support from management, and the pervasive atmosphere of cutthroat competition drained me both mentally and physically. To compound the situation, I reported to a micromanager who preferred criticism over guidance and prioritized competition over collaboration. I was always too scared to ask questions–even newbie questions–after being told one time that I was paid to know the answer to that “stupid” question. Despite my shellshock, I powered through the pain but at the same time, I was already desperately trying to find a way out.

It was a stark reminder that having a great career isn’t just about securing any job; it’s about finding a place where you can thrive and be your best self.

I would switch jobs at least four more times before finding myself in the Foreign Service, which is not exactly utopia but where the challenges are a lot less daunting now that I am armed with the experience and wisdom to deal with the occasional workplace leviathans, behemoths, and krakens who rear up their ugly heads. 

The truth is, every person brings something unique to their role—a distinctive way of doing things, a one-of-a-kind contribution that makes them truly irreplaceable. It’s often only after you’ve moved on, taking with you the force of several others, that they realize the gap you’ve left behind—a void that only a unicorn could fill.

Through it all, I learned that the career journey is messy and unpredictable. It’s not always about following a predefined path but about staying true to yourself and your passions. The greatest gift we can give ourselves is grace—to be kind to ourselves as we navigate the uncertainties and challenges of the professional world and to recognize that setbacks and detours are not failures but opportunities for growth and learning. Embracing resilience and self-reflection allows us to adapt, evolve, and ultimately thrive in our chosen paths. It’s a journey of discovery, where each experience, whether smooth or rocky, helps us grow into the people we need to be.

Don’t let external pressures dictate the course of your life. Instead, take time to reflect and discern what genuinely motivates you and sparks joy in your heart. I learned this lesson the hard way when I prioritized chasing after trendy job opportunities over nurturing my true passions–the things I was good at, the things that made me feel energized and excited. While this decision made perfect economic sense, I soon realized how this choice left me empty and depleted.

Pursue what excites you relentlessly, even if it means starting over or taking unconventional routes. Remember that success is not about the new car, the big house, or the fat paycheck. It cannot be benchmarked against material milestones that lose their luster as soon as the next trendy thing comes along. Rather, success is the feeling that you are doing what you were always born to do and surrounded by the people who genuinely love and support you.

Embrace that feeling and don’t hesitate to pivot or redirect your path. Handing in your resignation isn’t admitting defeat; it’s a brave decision born from self-awareness and readiness for new challenges. While many of us hope to retire from our first company, life often steers us in unexpected directions. Have the humility to accept these shifts and keep moving forward, whether at a sprint or a crawl, but always moving forward.

And when you are exhausted, rest and take a deep breath. Remember that rest is just as vital as a relentless pursuit. Give yourself permission to recharge, reflect, and reconnect with your inner drive. It’s during these moments of stillness that clarity often emerges, guiding you towards the next steps of your journey with renewed energy and purpose, with a clearer vision.

So embrace the journey ahead with courage, resilience, and grace. Your path may not be straightforward, but every detour is a turn closer to where you need to be.

(The author, Stacy Danika Alcantara-Garcia, a native of Dumaguete City in Negros Oriental, is a STEM MBA student and Forté Fellow at Washington University in St. Louis, focusing on Marketing and Entrepreneurship. She is the President of the Olin Business School Tech Club and the Olin East and Southeast Asia Club. The Tech Club connects students with industry professionals through events and workshops, while the East and Southeast Asia Club enhances understanding of the region's economic, political, and social dynamics. Prior to pursuing an MBA, Stacy obtained a Master's degree in Contemporary Diplomacy major Internet Governance from the University of Malta and her Bachelor's degree in Mass Communication from Silliman University, graduating from both degrees summa cum laude. During her undergraduate years, she was awarded one of the Most Outstanding Students of the Philippines and Jose Rizal Model Student of the Philippines.)