Showbiz News

LOOK: Rhian Ramos braves the waves of Lakawon Island

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Rhian revealed in the caption her secret to traveling. She said, "Always over-packs, never changes clothes."

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Sexy back

Rhian's black bikini perfectly accentuates her toned body.

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"Kapit lang"

Rhian quipped, "'Cause sometimes the outtakes are worth more than the perfect shots."

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'Taste Buddies'

Even in vacations, she is still a Taste Buddy! Rhian said, "Straight from Roxas, some of the best quality crab and prawn I've EVER had! There was more than I knew what to do with! Luckily my family knows exactly what to do with 8 Kilos of seafood, we even had to put prawn in the salad!"

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Back to back

Posing with her friend Rach Librado. She said, "Partners in ....(everything but) crime"

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During the trip, Rhian felt adventurous and jumped!

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She totally nailed it!

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Next round

Here, she gets ready for the next jump.

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And she flew straight to the water.
