Celebrity Life

Beauty Fridge: The new tool you need to invest in

You've heard about jade rolling, added a serum into your skincare routine, and vowed to start wearing sunscreen daily. Surely you're now ahead of the game when it comes to beauty? Well, think again. Those who are truly in the know are buying beauty fridges.

Makeup Fridge

It's hard to say when it began. Beauty magazines have noted that it was probably Allure's editor-in-chief Michelle Lee - it's an ongoing debate.

But, skincare experts and Hollywood A-listers have long confessed their love of a chilled skincare product. And maybe, buying a mini fridge within arm's reach, away from all the plastic containers and condiments, is the next step.

Why do you need one?

First, it's not just about the sensorial experience of putting on a chilled face mask or serum. A puffy face's worst enemy is cold, so a refrigerated product will always be more effective at de-puffing and boosting circulation than a room temperature one.

Second, the ever-growing popularity of natural skincare, without any use of chemical preservatives, make refrigeration a necessity.

We're not talking about any old mini fridge, but one that is designed for the job. Petite sizes, roughly around 7” by 9”, is handy for placing your sheet masks and serums.

So, what do you place inside?

Sheet masks, mists, serums are good contenders as they'll effectively de-puff and sooth any swelling after a good facial.

A facial roller, like jade, is also good when kept chilled. It will help boost and sculpt for a firmer looking skin.

Makeup, oils, and balms, however, are a no-no. They won't benefit from being refrigerated so it's better to keep those at room temperature.

Fragrances aren't included as the fridge is most likely way too cold to be used as storage. Simply make sure you keep it away from the sun and not in the bathroom.

What is a jade roller and why do these celebrities love it?