Celebrity Life

5 Skin Cleansing Mistakes You Should Stop Doing Now

Facial cleansing is the most basic among skincare routines, but this simple regimen is sometimes done wrong. And if you're not cleaning your face properly, the signs will surely show.

Here's a list from Cosmo UK of the most common facial cleansing mistakes you must avoid.

Face wipes overuse

Face wipes are your best weapon against humidity, pollution, and sweat when you're outdoors. But overusing these can lead to a buildup of chemicals that can interact with the makeup on your face. Using face wipes should be done in moderation and always use gentle strokes especially around the eye area. Also, choose facial wipes free of fragrance and parabens.

Harsh cleansers on oily skin

If you have oily skin, you'd assume washing your face with a powerful, grainy, cleanser is the best way to remove all the grease. But the fact is if you use harsh oil-removing products, your skin's natural response is to produce more oil. Go for a more calming, cooling cleanser that lifts excess oil from pores without leaving them dry or tight.

Not double cleansing

Think of all the products you put on your face--sunscreen, primer, moisturizer, makeup…and add the pollution and dirt you accumulate on your face throughout the day. Cleansing your face is a much-needed ritual before sleeping, and usually, washing your face just once isn't enough. If you feel like there's still leftover makeup or dirt on your skin, go in for a second cleanse. The extra lather will work down deep to clean your pores. Use a mild cleansing wash to avoid removing too much essential oil from your face.


Switching water temperature

It's a common belief that hot water opens pores and cold water closes them, but quickly switching from hot to cold water temperatures for your face will only put your skin into shock, so turn your tap water to a lukewarm temperature instead.

Too much exfoliation

Newly-scrubbed, softened skin feels great and exfoliating can be addicting. But keep your exfoliation to once a week to avoid tearing the pores. Too much exfoliation can make even healthy, flawless skin react.


There are plenty of ways and products to use for cleansing the face, for best skincare results find what's most appropriate for your skin type by consulting a dermatologist first to see what will work wonders for your face.