Celebrity Life

IN PHOTOS: Thylane Bolzico's moments that show she is ready to be a big sister

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Thylane Bolzico

Thylane Bolzico is going to be a big sister!

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The firstborn of Solenn Heussaff and Nico Bolzico will officially be promoted to big sister as soon as they welcome the newest member of the family.

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Solenn Heussaff

Solenn is expected to give birth soon as she revealed she is in her 39th week of pregnancy.

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Big sis

Tili is ready for her big sister role!

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Tili practiced being a big sister to her cousin Dahlia.

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Tili has also experienced fun sibling moments with her Ate Pochi.

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Tili will show her little sister how to have fun and be adventurous.

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Travel buddy

She will be a great travel buddy to her younger sibling when they visit different places around the world.

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Playtime will be so much fun with Ate Tili!

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We can't wait to see Ate Tili showering her sibling with so much love and affection.