Celebrity Life

Nico Bolzico shares how he makes Solenn Heussaff happy in hilarious Instagram posts

By Maine Aquino

Happy wife, happy life is the mantra of Nico Bolzico even if it would mean having butt exposure and awkward grins in his travel photos.

In a couple of Instagram posts, Nico shared what he does to ensure Solenn Heussaff's happiness. The couple are currently in Argentina where all of the fun is happening.

One instance is when they try to pick photos for sharing on social media. He narrated,

“#Wifezilla: "Babe, please post that picture, I look so cute"

#ElBolzico: "No way bebe, my mouth looks weird and It looks like I am about to fart, there is no chance I am posting it, 100% no, negative, there is nothing that will make me change my mind, that picture will never be posted, I shall not, out of the question, under no circumstances that picture will reach my feed... Ok may be! 5 min later... The pica ”

Nico hilariously disclosed that it's wise to choose your battles but with his wife, it's always a good idea to give way to her happiness.

“In life, you need to choose your battles, but in marriage don't worry too much, coz you'll lose them all anyway! #bulliedhusdbandsclub”

Nico also uploaded a butt naked photo of himself while Solenn is hanging on to him. He said, “Go hiking with your wife, it will be fun they said! #StopZoomingInMyButt”

Have fun in Argentina, Sosbolz!