Showbiz News

Vicki Belo, Hayden Kho, and Scarlet Snow, the picture of a happy family

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New Year

The Belo family sharing positive vibes. Hayden captioned his post: "Looking forward to 2018. Here's our prayer for you... that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God." (2 Thessalonians 1:11-12) Amen."

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Christmas a la Belo family.

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Christmas tree

A Christmas tree that's made especially for Scarlet Snow.

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Vicki, Hayden, and Scarlet watched 'The Nutcracker' together.

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Hayden sometimes adds the hashtag #AngPamilyaKho whenever he posts about his family.

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Ooops moment

These three love costumes, but had an ooops moment during one of the events they added. Vicki wrote on Instagram, "We're so funny. We got invited to a party and we did not know the dress code. But the invite said the unicorn will dance so I had these unicorn hats rushed . It was casual chic pala everyone in cocktail dresses suits and long dresses. Ay mali!!!"

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Crayon family

They really love dressing up!

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The three during their vacation. Sightseeing at its finest.

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Perfect night

This is the definition of a "perfect night" for Vicki Belo.

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Good night

Hayden, Vicki, and Scarlet before sleeping at the sky suites. Vicki noted that it's both "comfy" and how she "slept like a baby" here.

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Relief boxes

During the enhanced community quarantine in Metro Manila, Hayden Kho and Scarlet Snow bond over packing relief goods that were later distributed to medical frontline workers.

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Planting of trees

Hayden Kho and Vicki Belo want to instill good values in their growing daughter, and that includes taking good care of the planet too!

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Red Queen and Wonder Woman

Their love for dress-up is unparalleled! Just check out these back-to-back costumes for Halloween 2020!

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The family that slays PPEs together stays together.

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Return to the basics

Although she has already built her beauty empire, Vicki Belo says she wants Scarlet Snow to appreciate life's simple pleasures.
