Celebrity Life

Chesca Garcia and Doug Kramer proud of Scarlett's violin skills

By Faye Almazan

The children of Chesca Garcia and Doug Kramer are known for their versatile talents and their eagerness to learn new skills. And their second child, Scarlett, just proved this once again as she played the violin for her school concert.

Doug is one proud dad as he shared on Instagram a photo of Scarlett playing the violin. In his caption, the former professional basketball player penned his appreciation for their daughter.

“No hesitations to always explore new things. That's Scarlett!” he said.

Doug said Scarlett could have chosen piano as her instrument as it is something she knows how to play, but instead, decided to learn violin this school year.

“Keep growing baby! And keep the fire to always learn new skills! We're very proud of you baby! Keep glorifying God with all the talents and abilities He's given you,” he mused.

Chesca likewise expressed how proud she is of their daughter in her own Instagram post. In her lengthy caption, the celebrity mom highlighted how far Scarlett has grown from being nervous on the first day to thriving in school now.

“I'm so proud of you for having the courage to pursue your passions. Remember, your talents are meant to be shared and enjoyed. Whether it's music - piano, violin, and now even guitar (you want to learn) - keep exploring and having fun with it,” a part of Chesca's post read.

Chesca also promised Scarlett that she and Doug will always be ready to cheer her on with her pursuits.

“There's so much more out there for you to discover. Papa and I will always be here to cheer you on and listen to your music, no matter what you choose to pursue. And remember, may you use your talents to reach more people and glorify God. We love you always our baby girl,” she said.

Scarlett is the middle child of Chesca and Doug. She has two siblings, Kendra and Gavin.