Celebrity Life

10 exercises for apple and pear-shaped bodies

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Shoulder taps

The shoulder tap is a great and efficient exercise as it focuses on your abdominal muscles and shoulders. In a planking position, slowly transfer your body weight onto one arm by lifting your other arm up to tap the opposite shoulder, then repeat on the other side.

Doing this regularly will help you gain more balance in your torso and strengthen your core, you will also achieve arm and shoulder strength.

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Bicep curls

If you want to get firm and sculpted arms, bicep curls is a good exercise routine.

In a standing position, with a pair of dumbbells, slowly bend both elbows toward your chest in a controlled manner and curl all the way up, leaving a tiny space between your hands and shoulders, then lower down carefully. Avoid swinging your dumbbells and do it slowly.

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Mountain climbers

Also referred to as the running planks, mountain climbers is a multifunctional exercise that targets your arms, shoulders, hamstrings, core, quads, and buttocks.

Start in an even planking position and bend one knee toward your chest as far as you can. From there, switch legs by pulling one knee out and drawing the other one in. You can also do this in a running manner.

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Donkey kicks

This exercise will help in toning your glutes, especially the largest muscle, the gluteus maximus. When doing Donkey kicks, remember to keep your core tight and your back straight while facing down on all fours. Breathe out with each kick and breathe in as you go low. This move will help you shape your rear.

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Triceps push-ups

Triceps push-ups can be done without any equipment. Simply get into a planking position with your wrists below the shoulder and your feet together. Keep your elbows to your sides and your upper arms straight, then lower down until your chest reaches the floor.

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This exercise will help in building overall muscle mass that results in improved performance and strength.

Place your feet parallel to each other, at least shoulder-width apart. You can extend your arms to keep your balance, or just place them behind your head while bending your knees and hips. Squat down as low as you can and stick out your butt as if you are about to sit on a chair.

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An upper body exercise that targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Start by doing a plank position, then bend your elbows so that your body is at least 2 inches from the ground. Push up, then lift one arm on the side as if you are trying to reach the ceiling while twisting your torso to the side. Hold this position for a second before rolling onto your other side to repeat.

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Lunge is lower body exercise that help in defining the legs ang the glutes. Step one foot forward, then drop your body straight down until your leg reaches a 90-degree angle. Return to your position, switch legs, then repeat.

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A full body workout that lets you burn more calories and body fat quickly.

From a squat position, place your hand on the floor, feet out, then do a push-up motion. Jump toward the direction of your hands so that your hands and feet are near each other, then stand up, reach over your head, and hop into the air. Do this exercise slowly to avoid injuries.

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Planking is good for your spine and may help improve your posture. To achieve a classic plank, start with a pushup position then slowly bend your elbows to support your upper body and keep it steady. Keep your core tight, your back straight, and your arms and toes firm on the ground.

Achieving the body you desire might be a long process before you see results but incorporating discipline, a balanced diet and being consistent will definitely improve you odds of living a healthier life.