Celebrity Life

Bea Rose Santiago reminds gym goers to take care of their kidneys after being diagnosed with chronic kidney disease

By Aedrianne Acar

Miss International 2013 Bea Rose Santiago shared some sad news through her Instagram about the status of her health.

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In a series of posts in her Instagram Stories, the Pinay beauty queen revealed that she has been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease.

Bea explained that her kidneys are more sensitive than a healthy person at her age.

“Yes, I'm sick. Since I damaged my kidneys when I was younger. My kidneys are more sensitive than a normal late 20s healthy woman. I can't over do things and I just found out.”

She also advised people who regularly workout to consult their doctors before drinking any pre-workout supplements or changing their diet.

“Guys if you take pre-workout and et al plus heavy workout be careful! Apparently there are many more like me! We damaged our kidneys because of our gym life!”

“Before you do or change your diet or drink something make sure you don't have bad health history problems! Always ask your doctors!