Celebrity Life

Stef Prescott shares her weight loss journey

By Maine Aquino

Former StarStruck avenger Stef Prescott shared the story of her weight loss journey in her Instagram account.

Stef admits that there are still times where she does not feel like there is progress despite what she is doing.

"There are some days where I don't see or feel like I'm progressing at all. I even convince myself that I'm not doing enough. We can be very hard on ourselves and even be our own biggest critics."

She added that she is doing this for a bigger purpose. To honor God and be the best version of herself.

"I remind myself that I'm doing this for a bigger purpose, to Honor God through my body and to be the best version of myself for those whom I love."

Stef added that it doesn't matter if you see the results slowly; progress is still important.

"Progress is progress, big or small. Let's be more proud of our achievements. Love ourselves more. Cheer each other on more and be more encouraging to one another. ️️️"

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