Celebrity Life

Kyline Alcantara proud to be part of advocacy campaign that promotes runner safety

By Aimee Anoc

Sparkle actress Kyline Alcantara has added a new layer to her running hobby: she has joined an advocacy campaign that advocates for a safer running environment for women.

Kyline shared that she is happy to be part of an advocacy that aims to empower women.

"I do have my own experience of cat calling, adjusting to what other people think I must wear when I'm in public. Because of this campaign, I realized that I'm not alone, that I don't need to do that, I don't need to adjust to what other people think," she says of Adidas Philippines' Women Safety Movement Campaign.

"I have a lot of women at my side to support me and I'm here to support them also. In short, I accepted this campaign because of women empowerment and that alone is enough reason for me to say yes."

Running has a deeper meaning to Kyline. She shared, "I really love running because even though it's super exhausting, at the end of the run surprisingly I have a lot of energy to start the day. Because of running, I became more productive, my muscles became stronger, and honestly it helped my mental health."

A post shared by Kyline Alcantara (@itskylinealcantara)

Kyline believes that it is important for women to stand together as it is one of the ways her fellow Filipinas can run safer and fearlessly without worrying about attracting unwarranted attention and worse, catcalling.

"There's always someone who will initiate the move then everyone will follow. I'm not saying that I'm the one who started this but simply I would like to stand with them, with every woman.

"Not because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean it's not true. If we're normalizing safety environment for all women then might as well include all the fields, right? Yes, I have heard horror stories from women and it's really disappointing and scary, but we must stand and echo our voices to stand above them, hence, this campaign."

Learn more about Kyline Alcantara in this gallery: