Celebrity Life

Erwan Heussaff defends the tinola after someone called it 'chicken water'

By Racquel Quieta

Aside from sinigang, tinola is one of the most popular and well-loved Filipino dishes. It's a staple in every Filipino home, especially during the rainy season when it's really comforting to have a hot bowl of chicken soup.

But apparently, not everyone in the world has the same opinion about tinola.

In an Instagram post, celebrity vlogger Erwan Heussaff came to the tinola's defense after someone online called it “chicken water.”

In the intro of his IG video, Erwan narrated what he had observed online when tinola became a trending topic and explained why he thinks that person has a bad impression of the tinola.

Erwan said, “Some guy online called tinola basically “chicken water.” I really feel sorry for that guy. He's probably never tried a really good Tinola.”

So, to give justice to the tinola that was wrongly dubbed as “chicken water,” Erwan then shared his own tinola recipe.

If you're curious as to how Erwan Heussaff's tinola tastes like, you can try his recipe at home. Below are the ingredients and procedure on how to make a proper, good-tasting tinola.


Chicken (organic, free range or native)
Chicken broth
Green papaya/sayote
Fish sauce (patis)
Chili leaves
Malunggay (moringa)
Green chili pepper


1. Sear the chicken and set aside.
2. Fry ginger until brown.
3. Add garlic and seared chicken.
4. Add water and chicken broth.
5. Cook for 40 minutes.
6. Season with salt.
7. Add fish sauce.
8. Add sliced green papaya.
9. Cook for 5 minutes.
10. Add green chili pepper, malunggay leaves, and chili leaves.
11. Stir well and cook for 3 minutes.

If you're an experienced cook, you might have noticed that onions, one of the usual ingredients of tinola, is missing.

In the IG video, Erwan addressed this by putting a text that says, “I don't use onions. Relax.”

The celebrity food vlogger also said that it's completely okay to use sayote, but revealed that he is actually part of Team Green Papaya.

He said, “You can use sayote, but we all know that green papaya is so much better.”

Erwan then ended the video by trying the tinola he cooked himself and said, “Why anyone would call this 'chicken water' is beyond me.”

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