Celebrity Life

Why ventilators are essential in treating COVID-19 patients

By Patricia Isabella Romarate

A ventilator machine is one of the most important medical equipment used to treat COVID-19 patients who are in critical condition.

But what is it exactly and why do COVID-19 patients need it?

First, this is what a ventilator machine looks like.

ICU ventilator machine | Photo by Meditegic

The Department of Health (DOH) defined a ventilator machine as a mechanical breathing apparatus that is used to provide oxygen to the COVID-19 patients who are in critical condition.

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a COVID-19 case is considered as a critical condition if the patient has developed these emergency warning signs:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion or inability to arouse
  • Bluish lips or face

In connection to this, the DOH said that the coronavirus disease may cause inflammation of the air passage and loss of the lung's normal function, which in turn reduces the body's ability to absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

A ventilator machine has the capability to assist in bringing in oxygen to and taking out carbon dioxide from the lungs of an infected patient who have difficulty of normal breathing.

This is accomplished by inserting a plastic tube into the mouth of the patient for the air to flow through the throat.

Learn more about the functions of a ventilator machine in this infographic by the DOH.

If you wish to be part of GMA's efforts to help stop the spread of COVID-19, you may visit the website of Kapuso Foundation here: https://www.gmanetwork.com/kapusofoundation/donate


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