Celebrity Life

Gab Valenciano uplifts spirit of people battling depression

By Dianara Alegre

On Tuesday, June 9, Wowowin director Gab Valenciano reminded people battling depression that they are not alone in their fight, especially during these trying times.

In a lengthy post on Instagram, Gab--who openly voiced out his struggle with mental health--described how people with the same condition face their daily lives.

“Some people may never understand what depression feels or looks like. It can be mistaken as severe sadness.

“When in reality, it really isn't. it's far from it. It can simply be described in one phrase; a dead end,” he said.

Gab then defined it as a severe feeling of despondency and dejection.

“Despondency is defined as loss of hope or courage. Dejection is defined as a state of gloom, disappointment, and low spirits. Now, combine the two and multiply it by ten, that is depression,” he added.

Telling it by experience, the director further explained that due to depression, “nothing makes sense.”

“You look at yourself in the mirror and wonder who it is you're really looking at.

“You question everything. You can't eat. You can't sleep. And getting up from bed never felt so tough.

“You're paralyzed physically, emotionally and mentally. Nothing seems to work,” he added.

READ: Gab Valenciano opens up about his previous suicide attempts

Gab also related that there are many factors that could trigger and fuel the sadness they felt.

“Some are triggered by the past, by current events that trigger the past, by events happening right now, by an uncertain future, or by painful and traumatic memories that linger.

“But then sometimes there is no trigger. Being clinically depressed, this is the part that I hate the most.

“When everything seems to be fine, then you wake up the next day feeling absolutely worthless, blind, and unable to see beyond the next day,” he noted.

Having feeling depleted from time to time for no reason, Gab reveals that he tends to isolate himself which he calls as his 'regrouping or recharging time.'

“But after a few days I make a decision to always surround myself with the right people, and consciously make an effort to choose to be better next time around,” he said.

To uplift the spirit of people experiencing the same, Gab reminded them that they are not alone in their fight.

“You are not alone in this fight, my dearest friends. The road is dark, the way is unclear, but your heart is beating which means you're meant to be here.

“Who you are will always be enough and I genuinely believe that this is an avenue and opportunity for us to understand each other more,” he said.

Gab Valenciano: "Mental health and instability is not a joke"

In February 2019, Gab got hospitalized due to the state of his mental health.

He wrote, "Mental health and instability is not a joke. I am grateful to my family, friends, and doctors who stopped at nothing to make sure I was okay. God bless you all and God bless everyone who struggles mentally on a daily basis.”

“I will come out of this stronger, better, wiser, and faster than ever. The universe will test the brave, God will test the deserving,” he said at the time.

Gab is the son of acclaimed singer-dancer Gary Valenciano and Angeli Pangilinan.