Celebrity Life

Five simple ways to reduce plastic use

By Cherry Sun

The practice of 'reduce, reuse, recycle' or the three R's is already an old guide in pursuing a sustainable and environment-friendly lifestyle. The principle is stated precisely the way it is as it promotes a waste hierarchy or the order of actions that take priority in managing waste.

The act of reducing what is produced and consumed supersedes the practices of reusing and recycling. If there is less waste produced, there is less to be reused and recycled.

If you're thinking about how to adapt this practice in your daily activity, you can begin by reducing plastic use.

Just look around you and you will notice that most of the items you use for your everyday function involve plastic. While reducing plastic use appears to be a huge task, it can be done through simple steps.

Before diving into a plastic-free lifestyle, you first have to identify the source of your plastic trash and how much you can commit to this kind of sustainable living.

Find out which among your practices contributes most plastic trash and which among your choices can have plastic-free alternatives. You also have to recognize and plan how you can sustain this lifestyle based on your budget and other constraints.

For a starter, we have listed five simple ways you can help reduce plastic use.

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Stop using plastic straws

Plastic straws can remain in the environment for thousands of years. They are difficult to recycle, too. Personal and business initiatives have led to the rise of alternatives like metal straws, glass straws, bamboo straws, paper straws, and even edible straws! But in practicality, you can just do away with using any kind of straw and take a drink directly from the glass or cup. A good practice for restaurants and other dining places is to also provide straws only upon request.

Bring your own containers

When going out to eat and drink, it is advisable to bring your own reusable containers. Hand your personal food boxes, kits, and tumblers when you buy meals and beverages for take-out. You can also use reusable containers when you pack your lunch or for storing leftovers.

Buy in bulk

Purchase items in bulk. This includes buying rice and other grains, coffee, spices, condiments, baking ingredients, cleaning, and kitchen products in large quantities. Avoiding items sold in single servings cuts down on unnecessary packaging that is usually made of plastic. It helps you save money, too!

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Always bring a reusable bag when shopping

Always keep a reusable bag handy when going out for shopping. For items that are easy to carry, you may opt not to use any bag at all. You may also request your local grocers to put your purchases in your reusable containers or refill them instead.

Use alternative products

Aside from straws that already have a lot of greener alternatives, there are also other plastic-free products you can choose to use. This includes using cloth liners and menstrual cups as an alternate feminine device, cloth diapers for babies, and package-free shampoo bars.

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