Celebrity Life

Tips on how to curb online shopping from becoming an addiction

By Dianara Alegre

What's easier than a click?

It's no wonder why people are addicted to online shopping given the convenience and surprisingly great deals it gives to consumers.

With just a click, you can just wait your order at the comfort of your homes.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, shopping online has become more than a convenience.

For some, it's now a coping mechanism to deal with stress and anxiety especially in these difficult times.

However, it's undeniable that this self-prescribed therapy is slowly turning into a habit, too.

Here are a some tips on how to curb online shopping from becoming an addiction.

1. Limit your cash.

Andrea Piacquadio (Pexel)

Ask someone close to you, may it be your husband, kids or best friend, to hold your cash for you. If possible, do not hold excess money to prevent unplanned spending.

You'll know it's becoming an addiction when it's distressing your finances and that's something you should keep an eye for. This goes with your credit cards, too.

2. Delay your check out.

Negative space (Pexel)

Impulsive purchase leads to acquiring products which sooner or later will be left to storage.

Whenever you feel that urge to buy something, delay that purchase to about a week or two, and you'll be able to weigh in whether you should check that, out or delete it in your cart.

3. Divert your attention.

Andrea Piacquadio (Pexel)

There are a lot of things we can do, despite being stuck in our homes, and most of it does not involve spending.

Learning a new craft is easy especially now that the internet is bombarded with free workshops and tutorials.

You can use your time productively rather than spending it, spending your savings.

4. Know what you need.

Andrea Piacquadio (Pexel)

The problem with this 'Add to cart' scheme is its charm to influence you to buy something out of compulsive desire.

Do not allow online shopping to turn your wants into needs. Keep a list of the basic necessities and a strict budget to know when it's the right time to splurge for yourself, without overdoing it.

5. Sales are roses, they come with thorns.

cottonbro (Pexel)

The thing with sales and promo is that it boosts revenue from attracting consumers to buy a certain item that is not really essential for them.

Who would not buy an apple cutter that costs only less than a hundred, right?

The question is can you live without it, and yes, you can. A sale also triggers buying products in bulk, only to save, even if these items are not really meant to be hoarded.

Always be mindful of these sales because, the bottom line, you will still spend money for it no matter how big the discount you get.

Generally, there's nothing really wrong with online shopping. Just keep in mind that moderation is the key to keeping yourself from any future trouble. Happy shopping!