Celebrity Life

Why indoor plants can help improve your health and mood

By Bianca Geli

Having indoor house plants may seem like the trend nowadays, but did you know these plants have benefits and can be used for many purposes?

Huy Phan [pexels.com]

Indoor plants

According to Philippine Plants, Aside from looking nice as decorations, house plants actually have many health benefits, such as reducing stress, boosting your mood, and enhancing productivity, and creativity.

pixabay [pexels.com]

The benefits of having indoor plants

Indoor plants are also known to improve air quality and lessen humidity. Plants help boost oxygen levels and remove pollutants and toxins from the air, such as formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene.

For example, Pothos remove those toxins in the air and it grows well in low light conditions.

Faraz Ahmad [pexels.com]

Pothos plant

Meanwhile, the Peace Lily is one of the best plants for removing chemicals in the air such as benzene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde.

However, this plant can be slightly toxic to humans and animals, so be sure to keep your animals and children away from it.

Rovelyn Camato [pexels.com]

Peace Lily plant

For those suffering from allergies, snake plants are beneficial because they add moisture to the air and release ample oxygen, making it easier to breathe. Snake plants are a great plant for beginners because they're virtually impossible to kill and require very little care.

Fabian Stroobants [pexels.com]

Snake plant

Keeping indoor plants can also improve concentration and productivity -- making them perfect not just for your home but your work space, too.

A study from the Texas A&M University showed how keeping potted plants and flowers around your workspace can improve your creativity and problem-solving skills.

Meanwhile, researchers from Exeter University in U.K. also found that indoor plants improve overall productivity and boost staff well-being by 47% at work.

Additionally, a study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology, having indoor plants can reduce physiological and psychological stress which can come in handy for those spending the majority of their time social distancing.

If you're ready to test your green thumb, check this guide on how to get started in taking care of your own indoor plants

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