Celebrity Life

A Beginners Guide to 'Among Us'

By Cara Emmeline Garcia

Among Us has become one of the most popular games in both PC and mobile over the last month. Thanks to a huge boost in the number of streamers and players, it has already garnered 15 million users this month.

But did you know that Among Us has been around for two years already?

Released on June 15, 2018, Among Us is an online sci-fi murder-mystery game produced by indie game company Innersloth.

The game is set in a spaceship which contains a group of Crewmates and among them is an Impostor who wants to sabotage the ship and kill everyone.

Source: Steam


The aim of the game is pretty simple: you are one of four to 10 players in a spaceship, and one of you is the Impostor.

If you are the Impostor, your goal is to kill everyone else. If you are a crew member, you have to escape the spaceship unharmed. To do this, each player has to complete several tasks or find the Impostor and vote them out. Kinda like… Survivor.

If the crew is successful in pointing the odd one out, they win. If the Impostor manages to kill them all, he or she wins.


Source: BlueStack

Your goal is to complete all tasks without getting killed and finding the Impostor.

Their tasks range from a variety of activities such as color-coded wiring, uploading data, fueling engines.

Like most games, Crewmates also have certain abilities such as reporting a dead body, calling for a meeting and checking security cameras. Yet, the Impostor also has these abilities.

Source: BlueStack

How to be the perfect crewmate

  • The Buddy system works

Never go off on your own because this will only expose yourself to an easy kill and will end your fun prematurely.

You're also risking the suspicion of other people because nobody wants a sneak.

  • Learn the vent system

This goes for both the Crew and the Impostor. Pay attention while playing and see the placement of the vents in each room. It's a tactical way to prevent yourself from getting killed.

  • Observe any suspicious behavior

Bring with you the powers of observation to the game and learn to read other players' behavior. Remember, Impostors will try to divert attention away from themselves, so observe and look for any tell-tale signs.

  • Never abuse the Emergency Meeting function

If you hate meetings in real life, what more if you do it at a social game? Use this function if you believe you are in danger or you've found the Impostor.

  • Do the tasks you're assigned to do

If there's one thing people hate aside from being a sneak, it's being a slacker so do your tasks to win. The faster you are in completing tasks, the quicker you can observe and point out who the Impostor that's bound to kill you.


Source: BlueStack

If tasked to be the Impostor, your primary goal is to kill the Crewmates before their tasks get completed. To do this, one must convince the others that you did not do any killings.

Unlike the Crewmates, he or she has extra abilities namely: kill, sabotage, and vent.

The killing ability turns a Crewmate into a ghost. Sabotage is the ability of the impostor to create a temporary problem that the crew must either fix, wait out, or ignore. Lastly, is the Impostor's ability to hide in vents and move around the spaceship.

How to be the perfect Impostor

  • Keep your cool

If they start pointing at you, the best way to divert the attention is to come up with an excuse that's related to the game. For example, when someone said they caught you next to a vent, claim that you noticed something fishy.

  • Try blaming others

The best way to divert the attention from you is to point the fingers back at them. Try to seem laid back and call someone doing a suspicious activity.

  • Go with a group

To avoid getting caught, go with a group of people and stick with them as much as possible. Doing so makes it easier to kill a member without arousing any suspicion.

  • Take the initiative

The best way to ensure victory is to make it seem like you're taking the initiative to do harder tasks.

If someone is assigned to do the same duty, go with them. Once they reach a room with a vent, make your move and then scurry off to another.

Source: BlueStack

“Among Us” is one of the best party games you can play with your friends. Its entertaining and social-oriented features make it one of the best games in the market.

You can download "Among Us" in Google Play, Apple Store, and Steam.