Celebrity Life

IN PHOTOS: Jewel Mische and Alister Kurzer's pretty little girl, Aislah Rose

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Jewel and Alister

Meet Jewel and Alister's little girl, Aislah Rose.

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July 12 

Aislah Rose was born on July 12, 2018.

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Sleepy baby

Beautiful baby

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Aislah Rose is a happy baby.

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Daddy's little girl

Daddy Alister is filled with love for his daughter.

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Jewel wrote, "She makes my heart melt and my ovaries ache."

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A kiss from her loving parents.

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Little lady

Well-dressed and well-behaved

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Baby Santa

What an adorable little Santa!

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Aislah is a cutie in her first Christmas ever outfit!

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First Christmas

Mommy Jewel was so excited about Aislah's first Christmas the she asked her followers, "Can I baby spam? I may be posting more photos of her... Don't mind me!"

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It is hard to resist this little girl's charm.

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1st birthday

Aislah showed her best smile on her first birthday.

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Dressed up

This little girl is dressed up for the holidays

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Little doll

Jewel said that people thought Aislah was a doll in this outfit.

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Santa baby

Aislah met Santa Claus!

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Big Sister

Aislah is now a big sister to Baby Emrie who was born in May 2020.

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Little Anna

Aislah Rose makes our hearts melt in her costume as Elsa from the movie 'Frozen.'

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Sisterly love

Aislah Rose always shower her baby sister Emrie with hugs and kisses.

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Aislah Rose is as bright as tulip!

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Nature lover

Aislah Rose has grown fond of nature at a very young age.

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Aislah Rose blooms like the colors and life that come with springtime.

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2nd birthday

Aislah Rose had a hearty spread of food to celebrate her second birthday, boodle-style.

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Jewel Mische captures the beautiful innocence of Aislah Rose in this photo.

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Aislah Rose is such a mood for all the plantitas!

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Aislah Rose remains curious as a little explorer.

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Daddy Alex

Aislah Rose will never outgrow her love for Daddy Alex.

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Mommy Jewel

Aislah Rose is turning out to be as elegant and charming as he Mommy Jewel.

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Country girl

Aislah Rose is our favorite little country girl!

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Bundle of joy

Aislah Rose is everyone's bundle of joy.
