Celebrity Life

Chariz Solomon expresses pride in twin bros Fifth and Fourth on their birthday

By Cherry Sun

Chariz Solomon expressed how proud she is of her twin brothers Fifth and Fourth Pagotan who are celebrating their birthday today, February 5.

Chariz Solomo

Chariz took to Instagram her greetings for Fifth and Fourth.

She wrote, “Happy happy birthday to our family's Director/writer/actor/singer @fifthsolomon and CEO/actor/Chef/singer/painter/michael jackson @fourthsolomon !! I am really proud to be called your sister!!”

“I may not be there for you all the time to take care of you, and I may not be your coolest friend in the world, but I sure am very very happy that you existed in this world and you two are making it a better place!! You two are killing it and you are both on fire! I cant believe where we are standing right now,” she added.

Chariz concluded her post with her birthday wish.

She said, “I thank God for keeping you safe, healthy and happy everyday. And now on your birthday, and all the days after that, i will still wish for the same things. I love you both so very much!! Happy happy birthday!”