Celebrity Life

Heart Evangelista responds at basher: 'You seriously want to kill me?'

By Cara Emmeline Garcia

“Stop hating and start loving one another.”

This is the response of Kapuso actress Heart Evangelista towards her bashers who continuously make assumptions about her privileged life.

The answer was prompted by a netizen who asked Heart about her “pet peeve.”

In the said post, she attached a message written by a netizen that states: “Heart Evangelista is such a darling but she'll be the first in line when we start to guillotine the rich.”

She blatantly answered, “People like that. Do you think a perfect life exists? You think I don't have problems so bad I can't function? I've been working so hard for 23 years and I can't be happy for myself and share my blessings? You seriously want to kill me?”

Heart then addressed all her bashers to start reframing their thinking and start doing good among others.

“People, wake up,” she added.

“Pray… please pray. We should all be helping each other and that doesn't mean posting it on social media.

“Help, cause that's what God wants. Stop hating and start loving one another. Start making a difference, either small or big. Try harder to be better and the universe will work towards giving you more happiness.

“Love can heal. I truly believe in this.”

This isn't the first time Heart answered her detractors about her lifestyle.

In her recent posts, a netizen asked why she hasn't responded to the needs of the public now that an enhanced community quarantine has been put in place by the local government.

The netizen stated, “When you ask the community to buy the products you endorsed, watch, and support your shows they never hesitate. NOW, the community needs you as you have the resources (because of the community) --- I hope you're giving back.”

To which the actress remarked, “That, my dear, is between God and I.

“My 'likes' in heaven is more important than my likes on social media.”

Living on people's expectations

During the same Instagram session, Heart Evangelista was asked by a netizen, “How and when did you start to truly love yourself?”

This question led the actress to further open up about her past and how she lived through other people's expectations than her own.

“I tried so hard to change myself just so people will like me…” she said.

“I've been working for 23 years and making people 'like' you is the only thing that matters.

“I got tired of that and I realized --- walk on water and they say you can't swim. So why will I pretend to be someone I'm not?

“Now, even if they say nasty things about me, it's okay. I am me and I know what's in my heart.

“It's liberating or shall I say [it's] FREEDOM.”

READ: What is Heart Evangelista's love advice for alluring your crush?

#DearHeart: Heart Evangelista's love, life, and career advice