Celebrity Life

IN PHOTOS: Celebrities in long-distance relationship

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 Kara David and LM Cancio

Kara and LM were married early 2018 in her hometown, Guagua, Pampanga.

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Kara and LM

Kara and LM have to spend time apart because of his work as cruise ship musician.

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Lovi Poe and Montgomery Blencowe

Lovi is in a happy relationship with US-based British writer-producer and medical scientist Montgomery Blencowe.

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Lovi and Montgomery

Lovi claims that her long-distance relationship with Monty actually works for their personal and career growth.

READ: Lovi Poe says LDR works between her and BF Montgomery Blencowe

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Glaiza de Castro and David Rainey

Glaiza de Castro also keeps a healthy long-distance relationship with Irish surfing instructor David Rainey since 2018.

IN PHOTOS: Glaiza de Castro and David Rainey's cutest photos

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Glaiza and David

Glaiza and David formed a deeper bond through their common love for surfing. The couple also prefers to keep their love story low key.

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Golden Cañedo and Martin Raval

Golden Cañedo in a long-distance relationship with her non-showbiz boyfriend Martin Raval who currently lives in the US.

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Golden and Martin

Golden and Martin have reached their first anniversary on August 14, 2020. They still marked this special milestone in their relationship through a virtual celebration.