Celebrity Life

Nico Bolzico shares 10 evolutions of Solenn Heussaff

By Maine Aquino

Nico Bolzico prepared a sweet birthday greeting for his wife Solenn Heussaff as the actress turns 35 today, July 20.

On Solenn's special day, the Argentine businessman wrote about the 10 evolutions that Solenn went through from his perspective.

"Bebu! It's your birthday… again! We spent 10 of your birthdays together so here are the 10 evolutions you went through in my eyes"

He started his post by calling Solenn "the super-hot girl completely out of my league" that his friends in Argentine wouldn't believe is his girlfriend.

"1-The super-hot girl completely out of my league that would never look at someone like me that I saw in a billboard on Edsa.

2-The super-hot girl completely out of my league that I was dating.

3-The super-hot girl completely out of my league that I was exclusively dating (only in the Philippines there is a distinction for that by the way).

4-The super-hot girl completely out of my league that became my girlfriend and that my friends in Argentina did not believe until I made you send that video telling them you were my girlfriend."

Nico also told the story of how his conservative parents met his then-girlfriend.

"5-The super-hot girl completely out of my league that I introduced to my conservative farmer parents when they came to visit me in The Philippines and she showed up in the shortest shorts I have ever seen and the smallest top ever made."

Next were the most memorable parts of their relationship--Nico's proposal, their wedding, Solenn's pregnancy, and the time she gave birth to Thylane.

Solenn Heussaff, Nico Bolzico, Thylane Bolzico

"6-The super-hot girl completely out of my league that accepted a ring and turned into my fiancée.

7-The super-hot girl completely out of my league that said “I DO” in France to become my #Wifezilla.

8-The super-hot girl completely out of my league that called me crying that she was pregnant because she couldn't hold it until I get home to tell me personally and went through not an ideal pregnancy like the strongest Spartan warrior.

9-The super-hot girl completely out of my league that gave birth to our most incredible miracle in life that multiply our happiness by at least 67 (and we were super happy na)."

His last part was how Nico described Solenn as a person.

"10-The super-hot girl completely out of my league that no matter how bad her day is, she is always taking care of all of us, becoming the glue that sticks all our families together!"

Nico also declared his love for his wife, saying "No word invented yet to describe how much we love you Bebu! Happy birthday mi amor!"

He also added why he chose this specific photo as his wife's sexiest look.

"PS: There are many sexy pictures of you online, but this one I find the sexiest! Also, this is a special birthday for you, since it is the first one with #TiliBolz, hence the picture!"

Happy birthday, Solenn!

The beautiful family of Nico Bolzico, Solenn Heussaff, and baby Thylane

IN PHOTOS: The cutest photos of Thylane Bolzico