Celebrity Life

Things to avoid doing when in Singapore

By Bianca Geli

Singapore reigns as one of the countries in the world so it's no surprise the island-nation attracts more than 18 million tourists a year, which is three times its population.

With the steady influx of visitors, Singapore maintains its tourist attractions in great shape by implementing strict observance of city rules.

In 2018, more than 700,000 Filipinos traveled to Singapore, and the numbers are expected to rise in the years to come.

In case you're planning to visit Singapore, it's best to come prepared so here's a quick list of things NOT to do when traveling to Singapore.


While it's basic etiquette everywhere to dispose trash in a trash bin, it can be a costly habit to litter in Singapore. So make sure to always throw your litter in designated trash bins or keep them in your bag first if you can't find a trash bin around.


The Singaporean government considers spitting as an offense and once caught spitting in public, you can get a penalty in form of a fine or hours of community work.

Chewing gum

Gums are actually banned in Singapore, so once you're caught chewing gum (unless it's for a medical reason) it can cost you a penalty, so save your bubble gums for a different trip.

Asking for a change of food price

Be sure to agree with your food server on the price and specifics of your dish before placing your order since it's considered impolite in Singapore to change food orders after it's been served.


Vandalism is highly punishable by law in Singapore and should be avoided at all costs. If you're into street art, be sure to check the vibrant back alleys along Haji Lane, Ann Siang Hill, and Coleman Bridge for a splash of color.


Similar to the Philippines, smoking in public is only allowed in designated areas, so make it a point to ask if smoking is okay before lighting a cigarette. Better be safe than spend 3 months in jail.

With these tips, your next trip to the concrete jungle known as the Lion City will surely be a breeze.