Showbiz News

Vicki Belo explains to Scarlet Snow Belo why they're giving away face masks

By Bianca Geli

Dermatologist and TV personality Dra. Vicki Belo is giving away free face masks and she has daughter Scarlet Snow Belo as her cute little helper.

When Scarlet Snow asked her why they've been giving away so many face masks; Dra. Vicki took the time to explain the relevance of their charity work.

Dra. Vicki shared on Instagram, “Scarlet Snow asked me why we kept giving away masks to others. I explained to her that it's because they are needed by the superheroes who are fighting the coronavirus to keep us safe."

“I pray that she will understand and remember this lesson she's learning now, that she would grow up to be appreciative, generous, and aware of her social responsibilities of charity and accountability. I really pray that this impacts her character when she gets older.”

Earlier this week, Dra. Vicki also donated personal protective equipment (PPE) to various COVID-19 frontliners.

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