Showbiz News

LOOK: Barbie Forteza brings everyday glam in new magazine feature

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Delightful in denim

Barbie Forteza looks beautiful and delightful on the cover of Freebie MNL, especially with this denim ensemble.

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A better Barbie

In the interview, Barbie shared that her 2023 version is a better version of her version last year.

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The year to mature

Thanks to her role in the hit Maria Clara at Ibarra, Barbie says she has now graduated from “tweetums” roles and can now tackle meatier fare.

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Life lessons

Barbie tells the publication that she enters 2023 having learned from the challenges she faced overseeing the building of her own home.

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Barbie with her walls down

It was during the building of her own home that Barbie shares that she learned to open up to her family and learn to accept their advice and wisdom.

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Making her own decisions

Her past experiences have given Barbie the push to stand on her own two feet, focus on her decisions, and not rely on other people's opinions.

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A growing relationship

It's not just Barbie, but even her boyfriend, Jak Roberto, has matured along with her. The two of them have grown individually and as a couple.

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Sleek and sexy

While she says she's not going to be doing mature roles anytime soon, Barbie says she's ready to take on more challenging ones as the years go on.

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Beauty shot

It's hard to deny that Barbie has grown into a beautiful young woman.

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Looking forward

With 'Maria Clara at Ibarra' under her belt, there are only good things in store for Barbie in the year ahead.